知名渗透测试套件BurpSuite Pro v1.6.09破解版,感谢larry,原先的1.6.03要输入license了。

知名渗透测试套件BurpSuite Pro v1.6.09破解版


                Thursday, November 27, 2014
This release fixes a problem affecting some users of 32-bit systems with the new handling of temporary files that was introduced in v1.6.08.

When the temporary file store grows sufficiently large, some users of 32-bit systems have experienced out-of-memory errors with v1.6.08 of Burp.
The new release reverts to the old handling of temporary files for users of 32-bit systems.

In the near future, we are planning to release some powerful new features in Burp which will only be properly supported on 64-bit systems.
We recommend that any Burp users who are still using 32-bit editions of their operating system or Java should upgrade to 64-bit editions.


知名渗透测试套件BurpSuite Pro v1.6.09破解版






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